Director of Product & Design
With over 16 years of experience in design, product, and branding, I can turn hurdles in your business into powerful moments, grow your audience, and establish trust in your company's brand.
High-speed, React-based enterprise trading software in Foreign Exchange (FX) and Fixed Income (FI) instruments.
A new look at personal storage, building internal and consumer software that offers logistics, scheduling, and inventory-tracking.
A mobile app that reads receipt data and provides consumers with rebates on their favorite groceries.
Making healthcare more affordable and accessible to people without health insurance.
I can help your team with rapid and reliable success with an end-to-end understanding of your system, from request or research all the way to deployment.
System and atomic-based design thinking, making consistency key and launching products faster.
Research and studies that develop and synthesize into actionable insights and in-depth understanding.
Beautiful design work that utilizes the best that any platform and framework has to offer.
Insight into marketing and messaging toward different segment audiences, always backed by data.
Years of experience in a variety of styles that meet the needs of any standard, from print to digital.
Thorough and complete documentation of business goals and end results, leaving no room for error.